
How to maintain and maintain the winder?

2019-03-27 1814

1. The transmission of the toilet paper rewinding machine, such as the gear chain, needs to be added with butter.

2, the rewinding machine generally does not have problems, the consumable parts are nothing more than some small gears, if one plus is the knife is easy to break, the wool roller will be thinned after one and a half years of loading, need to be shipped back to the factory for renovation, steel If the embossing pattern needs to be replaced in the roll embossing device, it is necessary to transport the steel roller back to the original factory for modification, and it will not cost much.



3, pay attention to the voltage of the winder should be stable, otherwise it is easy to burn the motor; pay attention to hygiene, do not let the debris fall between the steel roller and the roller.

Article from Jiangmen Nantian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.:http://www.braveheartvol.com/

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