
SLA-FADouble shaft center winding and slitting machine

2019-03-27 1839


Double shaft center winding and slitting machine

Biaxial Center Winging Machine

Applicable material

Flexible package for composite film


·Max unwind width1100~2400mm

·Without shaft core type volume 1400mm

·Wax Unwind Diameter 600mm

· ·Blade and Blade Groove of shaft cutting

·Max machine speed 350mmpm

·Auto Tension Control System

·Upper and lower shafr, double work

center book take

余姚市| 扎鲁特旗| 聂荣县| 宁海县| 武汉市| 青海省| 阳春市| 碌曲县| 吴堡县| 长阳| 大洼县| 苍山县| 米泉市| 香河县| 铅山县| 封丘县| 凌云县| 达州市| 格尔木市| 内丘县| 晋城| 阿拉善右旗| 蒲江县| 海口市| 揭阳市| 大田县| 盱眙县| 五寨县| 武川县| 巴林左旗| 镇巴县| 泸定县| 长沙县| 西峡县| 上犹县| 塘沽区| 吉隆县| 津市市| 呼玛县| 庄浪县| 德庆县|